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Lar Classics

Shown in Yellow Salt

Dinner Plate:

Size: Slightly under 11”
    •  Yellow Salt, Crème, Tea Dust:  $35
    •  Blue Celadon: $40

Shown in Tea Dust


Size: 5 ½ “ diameter  x  3 ½ “ tall
    •  Yellow Salt, Crème, Tea Dust:  $25
    •  Blue Celadon: $28

Show in Crème

Small Plate:

Size: About 7 ½ "
    •  Yellow Salt, Crème, Tea Dust:  $25
    •  Blue Celadon: $28

Shown in Blue Celadon

Mug or Cup:

Size: 4+” tall with 3” opening
    •  Yellow Salt, Crème, Tea Dust:  $28
    •  Blue Celadon: $30

classic line almost always available

To purchase please visit Potter's Studio in Berkeley or get in touch with Lea Ann Roddan directly.